Immigration Sends Nova Scotia’s Population to Record Level

Nova Scotia’s population reached a record high in 2020, mostly due to Canadian immigration.
Immigration Minister Lena Diab said the province approved more immigration applications than ever, setting the stage for a post-pandemic economic recovery. The goal is to ensure that the population grows, and the newcomers will be matched with jobs that highlight their skillset. A total of 3,517 applications were accepted, surpassing the federal allowance by 225.
Diab said it was remarkable that as some Canadian provinces missed their target of newcomers, Nova Scotia had to ask for more immigrant spaces. Nova Scotia is a place for immigrants to feel welcomed and thrive when relocating to Canada. Contact Canada Immigration Express for help applying for the required visa to live and work in Canada. There are many opportunities available for you and your family.
An immigration lawyer from Halifax said the increase of recruitment numbers in the province shows a new approach. It is clear, he said, that Nova Scotia is serious about immigration. The government knows that Canadian immigration is an economic driver in the province and the future depends on immigration. Retention of newcomers is almost as essential as the number of accepted applications.

They are the ones that stay, put down roots, and help grow the province. Choosing the correct visa, understanding the immigration point system and knowing how professions are assessed can be a very complicated process. Contact Canada Immigration Express for help applying for the best visa. Their team of immigration specialists is dedicated to helping people like you begin a new chapter in your life. Contact them today!