Australian Man Fulfills His Childhood Dream to Travel Across Canada

Mya, the dog, has seen more of North America than many adults ever will. The seven-year-old dog and her owner Mark have jogged along the seawall in Vancouver, checked out a herd of bison in Elk Island National Park, and raced down a snow-covered mountain in the Rockies. Their adventures have been recorded on Facebook for others to enjoy. Mark hopes to inspire people to travel with their pets. If you are considering relocating to Canada, contact Canada Immigration Express for help with the many visa options available to you and your family.
Mark Fulfilled his Dream to Explore Canada
Tragedy two years ago inspired Mark to make the decision to fulfill his lifelong dream. His father passed away suddenly of a heart attack. He had been planning a cross-country tour of Australia for 15 years, but it never happened. Mark said, “It taught me that you can’t just hold off and wait for these things to happen.” Make your dreams of living in a friendly country with many opportunities come true. Contact Canada Immigration Express for help with the process.
Mark and his dog, Mya, have made a dream come true by exploring Canada together. He realized through tragedy; you can’t wait for things just to happen. His adventures are documented on Facebook.